Carnage Typeface Book

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In this section, I present my book for my made-up typeface, Carnage. The book explains what the typeface represents and where I got my inspiration into creating it. This project was inspired by my sudden interest in metal-rock music in college.

Each swatch contains at least one image that pertains to my inspiration for this typeface. These images range from standard rock instruments to an unruly crowd cheering. I also included pictures of a car with a broken window and a torn-down brick wall to portray violence and chaos. I believe that destruction coincides with the theme of metal-rock music.

Along with that, a few pages contain short descriptions to explain why I chose each particular theme and how useful they were to help me create this typeface. There is also a page near the end that showcases how each letterform will look under this typeface. This project was made and completed in December 2018.


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Digital Photos