LIT Brand Identity Process

This next page contains my brand ideas for a program: Lives in Translation. The program was a project for one of my design classes at Rutgers. The assignment was to create a variety of concepts to expand and market the program’s brand. I also had to make every brand identity I designed related to each other by having a common theme.

I started by creating a logo using the program’s initials LIT. I designed the initials in the form of a square to portray the stability and professionalism of the program. Then, I shifted my focus to looking for ways to extend my brand identity concept. First, I created two sets of business cards using square shapes to portray a sense of consistency with my logo.

After completing my business cards, I designed pages for my conceptual website. I used my logo to create the structure of each page so that they relate to one another. The “L” from my logo contains the website tabs. I also made the “t” in my logo on the top left a different color depending on the tab selected. The first page I designed provides a brief description of what Lives in Translation is about. I made three more pages that explain more about the program, where you can sign up for it, and how you can create a partnership. On each page, I also used the“t” from my logo as a plus sign on certain pages to expand information on a particular subject. The process was completed in December 2019.


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