Voices for Hip-Hop and Rap Book

This next project for my campaign is a book entitled Voices for Hip-Hop & Rap. I sent out a survey of questions to a select number of people that asked them about their opinions on Hip-Hop and Rap. After collecting enough responses, I used them to construct the book. This project was made to make the world aware of the positive effects Hip-Hop and Rap can provide.

The book contains three chapters: Truth, Healing, and Power. Every chapter contains many responses I collected through my survey. Each response is accompanied by an environmental image placed next to them.

The images themselves serve as abstract representations of the overall chapter. For example, the erupting volcano found on page 44 in the Power chapter is used as an expression of the power of the earth.

Because this project is part of my campaign, I also used magenta and orange as my choice of color like I did with The Vibin’ newspaper. The pages and images are colored in orange or magenta. This book was constructed in May 2020.


The Vibin' Newspaper


Do You Preach the Truth?! Campaign